Bespoke Training
“We are committed to helping you create a safe and positive environment for your staff and service users.”
Our training is an important element in the strategy towards achieving this.
The training programmes draw on proven core modules, and are tailored to meet the specific needs of your staff and organisation. For some roles the inclusion of practical physical skills may be a consideration.
“Each programme is developed in partnership with you”
Each programme is developed in partnership with you, using a consultation process that explores key criteria, such as the operating environment, the current risks and behaviours, the specific roles of the staff to be trained and the most appropriate delivery methods. This results in training programmes that are relevant to each client and therefore allows us to develop a cost effective blend of courses.
The training programmes raise the participants’ understanding of the background to conflict and the contribution they can make to calming and diffusing the confrontation.
During the training participants learn and practice key skills in order to build their confidence to maintain composure whilst de-escalating conflict.
By the end of the training course participants will be better able to:
- Identify the key components present in all confrontations
- Recognise the different stages of conflict escalation
- Recognise the signs of conflict and aggression
- Maintain composure when responding to conflict
- Use skills to manage their words, phrases and body language
- Demonstrate the skills to avoid, defuse and resolve conflict
- If appropriate, demonstrate simple physical breakaway techniques
Affordable Training Solutions
Through our consultation process we can assist you with the needs analysis, the delivery options and training development to ensure you receive effective, sustainable training that is the most cost effective solution for your company. At the conclusion to any training programme we will provide you with our continued support and advice and will be more than happy to assist with any continuing needs.
For more information or to speak to one of our team please Click Here